
Showing posts from June, 2024

The Same Song on Repeat

Or Why You Really Need To Stop Talking Shit About Young People When You Only Understand One Part of the World They've Had to Live In Via The New York Times The kids today don't have it "easier," they have it VERY different in some ways that may actually be entirely incomprehensible to someone even as young as 35 (give or take).  A pervasive way to talk about "the youth" is to cite precisely one thing, and speak to that one thing as though it's the lynchpin of an entire generation's behavior.  This is as stupid as it is unscientific which is to say very.  For example? An American 18-year-old today was born in 2006. They have never known America to not be at war.  Mass shooter drills have expanded exponentially since Sandy Hook.  In a decade, training to only be ready to survive against a shooter while they are unarmed is the most standard part of American education than reading any book.  COVID is a real thing that happened. Now, look at this chart f

Ghostbusters: Franchise

In honor of Ghostbusters' 40th Anniversary here are four ideas that have been bouncing around in my head ever since I realized that, in the first movie, Venkman said "The franchise rights alone will make us right beyond our wildest dreams." These are merely ideas and I do not expect to be involved in their further development creation and I'm putting them out there just because I can for the love of the stories, the concepts, and the ideas that Ghostbusters fosters in and of itself. One of the core concepts of the entire franchise is a kind of cross-generational justice and overcoming obstacles with a combination of teamwork, technology, and willpower.  Rather like filmmaking itself.  Courtesy Variety Ghostbusters: Neon Spectres Three best friends, Diego Willis, Walter Sanchez, and Leena Tacarelli buy protonbacks at an auction and hang out their shingle in Los Angeles.  Willis is a software programmer with an eye for detail. Sanchez is the hardware/industrial design g